2018 Winners

All EnglandThe Lynda Whitworth Award Plus the
Roy Bates Memorial Fund Donation
Woking College Theatre Co.Cider with Rosie
FirstThe Biggs Drama Shield
Woking College Theatre Co.Cider with Rosie
SecondThe Dorcas Gowring Memorial
The Young TheatreJames & The Giant Peach

ThirdThe Frank Richards Cup Maidenhead Drama Guild Something Unspoken
The Moyra Hutchinson TrophyThe Young TheatreJames & The Giant Peach
Backstage Award David Highmore Backstage Award Woking College Theatre CoCider with Rosie
Stage PresentationThe South of England Building
Society Bowl
The Young TheatreJames & The Giant Peach
Best ComedyThe John Rigg TrophyThe Young TheatreJames & The Giant Peach
Short PlayThe Aubrey Harding TrophySpotlights Theatre, St Mary's SchooArbeit Macht Frei
Best Unpublished
The Fred Stone TrophyBishopstoke PlayersNo Easy Road
18 and underThe Maidenhead Youth Drama
Woking College Theatre Co.Cider with Rosie
Single SexThe Maidenhead Advertiser Trophy Maidenhead Drama GuildSomething Unspoken